Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dealing with the United States Election (2016)

By William T. Rand 
"While those who were looking for a change from government as usual are happy with the results of the election, there are many who are upset with how the 2016 United States presidential election turned out. And in fact, people are experiencing feelings of fear, anger, anxiety and foreboding far more deeply than after any previous US election. Some find it hard to fully accept or comprehend and are walking around half dazed hoping that somehow it will fade away and be revealed as a bad dream before it has a chance to play out. And for a large number of people, the situation is made worse by the fact that many are happy with the results and support the campaign promises made by the president-elect. These feelings are being felt by people in the US but just as much or in many cases even more so all over the world. 

Fortunately, as Reiki practitioners, we have a healing solution to use in addressing our own personal feelings as well as for addressing the unfolding political situation in America. First of all, it is important for us to use this situation to heal ourselves more deeply. When a negative event affects us, it tends to re-stimulate unresolved emotional distress that we have stored inside. This unresolved distress was often created long ago and was added to by subsequent negative experiences that we were not able to heal at the time. Shoving them deep inside ourselves was the only way we knew to respond to them. Even though we may not be fully aware of them most of the time, they still have a negative effect on our lives and lower the level of health, well-being and vitality we experience. The re-stimulation of these old feelings that were hidden from our awareness causes them to rise to the surface of our emotions where they can be more easily healed. By looking at the current political situation in this way, we can use it positively to move forward with our own healing and by doing so, become better able to healthily address the resulting changes taking place in the world around us.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed by what is happening, or feeling any negative feeling at all about it, it is important for you to give yourself more Reiki. When doing so, say prayers asking to be guided to place your hands in the areas needed to heal the negative feelings you’ve been having and give thanks for the healing that is taking place for you.

It is also important to send Reiki to the situation that America and the world now faces when the new president takes office January 20th. Send Reiki to the US government including the president and all those who work with him—not with any specific intention in mind but simply that the Source of Reiki (God, Supreme Being, Creator, The Universe, Innate Intelligence or any name you think of as the Source of Reiki) will bless the new president and the entire US government. You could also send Reiki to all the people of the United States and everyone on the planet. Note that when sending Reiki to bless someone, it empowers the person to do only what is in alignment with the values and purpose of Reiki. This will help to bring about the healthiest outcome possible as we are not using our own limited wisdom to direct the energy, but allowing the greatest wisdom in the Universe to guide the results.

Allow yourself to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean that we condone what has been done or might be done. It means that we let go of our anger and any negative thoughts toward others. As you let go and forgive, you allow your own healing to take place more deeply. Forgiveness also reaches out to those who need healing the most and allows them to heal more deeply too. Forgiveness is a gift for oneself as well as for others and is one of the important lessons that Reiki healing brings to us.

It is also important for you to contact all your Reiki friends and make plans to get together in person to give each other Reiki and to send Reiki to the situation. Call the leaders of the Reiki support groups that you know about in your area or any of your Reiki teachers or Reiki leaders to get together in person if possible and work with you on this project. Doing this will bring help for each of you personally, and it will also help the US and the entire world.

We stand at an important turning point in the political affairs of the United States that will also have a significant effect on the world. We literally have within our hands the ability to heal this situation in a way that creates a positive outcome that will touch the lives of billions of people. Let us join our hearts and hands together and allow the blessings of love and compassion to flow out to everyone in the world."

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